For bodies receptive to Yoga!

Foods and meals can be based on the ancient yogic principles that promote calmness, focuses your energies and actively leads to a healthy balance in life. Here are some of our learnings.
detox-dietPlease remember, foods for de-toxing the body or foods which boost the cleanse would work very well for a body receptive to yoga. The common phrase, “Yo​u are what you eat” is extremely apt when you think of yoga and foods which benefit.
Some foods that can enhance the body along with the balance yoga practice brings:
– Oatmeal: a cup of oatmeal is perfect to keep hunger away, and wont make you ill if you are doing your stomach routines
– Banana: Potassium rich bananas works with sodium to help keep your body properly hydrated, what you need especially when you sweat it out with power yoga
– Apples: apples hydrate, give a sugar jolt, are a source of Vitamin C. And help you hold over till you have finished with holding the yoga poses of your routine
 – Pears: while fruits are generally good pre-yoga snacks, the type of fruit you eat is also important. Pears are low acidity fruits, and high on fibre.
– Raisins: a natural source of sugar
– Almonds: a handful before your class boost your energy and stave off hunger. They contain Vitamin E, potassium and  magnesium, and help you with the stamina to hold the yoga asanas. Be sure to eat them unsalted.
satvic-foodSatvik food is generally known to calm and soothe the mind. To be healthy, food should be digested easily, the basic principle. These include yoghurt, honey, whole grains and pulses, milk and nuts. This also calls for a reduction of fried foods, canned foods, microwaving your food, and anything that does not grow harmoniously with nature. Tamasic food increase inner darkness, slow us down and increase inertia. The foods under this list can be had  (eg. fresh steamed mushrooms or onions rather than re-fried and microwaved meat) to balance out an excess of rajasic food which generate fire and motion.
Another way to soothe the mind and body is to consciously identify what makes us crave for the wrong foods at the wrong time- is it boredom? Is it taking a break at work? Is it the 3pm slump all of us go through? Be mindful of the cues, and consciously energize your body with peaceful foods instead of the coffee and a cookie! Decompress by chatting with a friend instead of a cigarette break. Practice mindful eating with savasana rather than cheating on your diet plans.
While the list is general, a lot depends on your body metabolism, the amount of regular exercise you do, your food preferences… we create holistic, personalized diet plans that work for an individual’s requirements. Do call us on 07498841414 so we can set up a program for you. 

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